

Monks Cave.

Monks cave is situated in Longthorpe, Peterborough and has some lovely carp and tench. This is a free water comprising of about ten small ponds, not impressive to look at but home to some real monsters. Carp and tench to 9 or 10 lbs are known to reside here. When fishing for tench the best bait I've found is good old bread flake. Fish using the lift method with a size 12 hook then sit back and wait, the tench will come.

When fishing for carp boilies seem to work best when ledgered at night. The golden rule for this venue is patience,lots of waiting and very little casting as the fish spook really easily. My brother in law had a beautiful tench weighing in at 9 lbs and a week later 6 pounder. Give it a go its free.