pond tips


Good places to fish around ponds

In the Summer there are more people around ponds than at other times of the year. Anglers take advantage of the long sunny days, often with their families, to get out into the fresh air. The pond, except for the whims of nature, is often a calm and reasonably hospitable place. To succeed the angler must take a minimum of precautions: respect the peace and quiet of the environment, choose a good place, fish some distance from the edge, if possible near grass and shrubs, scatter ground bait correctly, fish with fine lines. You will get best results between June and September for white fish. The season is longer for predatory fish. Except for ponds situated near roads, railways, and those where other leisure activities are available (sailing for example) where the fish are used to noise and the presence of humans, ponds are often located in the middle of the countryside with only the wind to ruffle the surface of the water.

Approach the pond quietly and show respect for the site. Leave your car at a distance and avoid making needless noise. The best place is not necessarily on the other side or where there are already other anglers. The best place is the place you choose! The bank exposed to the wind may seem preferable. It is said that the movement of the water carries insects and other prey for the fish towards the bank. That maybe so sometimes but that is not always the case. Remember that you will be there for several hours, your comfort is of some importance. The ideal place is somewhere with your back to the wind sheltered by an embankment, shrubs or trees. But you may be successful on the opposite bank too… If you arrive very early in the morning don't forget that the sun will rise in the sky. Choose a place facing the sun, this is not ideal for following the float but you will avoid the major inconvenience of having the shadow of your rods on the water which really does drive away the fish. Sunglasses and a cap with a wide visor are useful accessories. It can be an advantage to have grass and shrubs in front of you, another one further out in the pond is even better. In old gravel pits where there are no plants choose a spot of average depth: 2 to 4 meters. Then, you only have to attract the fish with the aid of your ground bait. There again don't forget that the current at the bottom is opposite to that on the surface. Consequently by fishing with your back to the wind the current on the bottom will bring the ground bait towards you.